Clarks Beach Trip 2018

Well, there really wasn’t much wind – or tide for that matter! – when we pulled up to the yacht club on Saturday morning. Our 420 crew was rearing to go, racing the learn to sail kids onto the water, their boats notwithstanding the competition too well. Soon enough the Opti’s were off on their way, heading towards the smoke stacks, whilst the big kids trained in the 420’s.
By 11:00 we had all left the safety of Sandspit, passing through the needles into the big, wide world. The Opti’s stopped for lunch at Glenbrook Beach, for the next briefing and a chance to regain their energy before reaching Clarks Beach. The 420’s steamed ahead, reaching Clarks beach in time to catch the Opti’s before the current whisked them out to sea!
*“Aim for the rocks!” *Was the call that greeted the Opti’s when they saw land, all of them so eager to get onto land that they forgot their briefing – aim for the rocks! All the boats were caught and saved from the wrath of the current, allowing us to get our campsite setup with plenty of time for games!
The boys all disappeared down the beach to terrorise the local fish, catching quite a few, but missing quite a few more! The rest of us played soccer and spotlight until bed, resting up for a long sail home the next day.
We woke to multiple boats passing by on their way out, headed over the bar for marlin, whilst we were headed the opposite way. By 10:00 we were on the water, our little sails headed home. The 420 team, feeling a tad mischievous, got up to their usual tricks, clambering around boats, pushing each other out and pirating each other’s boats in an attempt to cool off from the relentless sun.
The Opti’s trailed not too far behind the 420’s, keeping them in check from afar. We sailed through the needles into our little haven not long after midday, with everyone helping everyone else out to get the boats in and get home for some well-deserved rest!
The trip was well sailed by all, well-orchestrated by all those that organised and well attended by our juniors! A huge thankyou to everyone that made the weekend possible, and a huge congratulations to all of the sailors that made it there and back!