Final events for Summer 2018

G’day WYC Sailors and supporters, Here’s a quick note to get a couple of important dates in your calendar’s: 1) The Closing Series 19th / 20th May – that is the weekend coming and is the postponed final weekend of the 2017 / 18 season. 2) The...

420 Regatta

NZTSA National Secondary School Team Sailing Regatta Waiuku arrived fully fledged on Saturday, attending briefing in our yacht club hoodies, after sussing out the local playgrounds. We settled in after briefing for an early night, getting ready for the weeks’ worth of...

2018 Manukau Regatta

Some shots of the 2018 Manukau Regatta start gun. Clearly there was enough breeze at one point to turn a tern, but that came and went with the rain. After the windiest week in local history it was a shame to have none today and end up towing boats home. None the less...

Manukau Shield this weekend

Just a reminder that this Sunday 15th April is the Manukau Shield regatta. The shield is currently hanging on our club wall and we would like to keep it there so we hope to see as many of you at the club this weekend. I am sure there will be a few clubs trying to...

Live From The Field

Clarks Beach Trip 2018 Well, there really wasn’t much wind – or tide for that matter! – when we pulled up to the yacht club on Saturday morning. Our 420 crew was rearing to go, racing the learn to sail kids onto the water, their boats notwithstanding the competition...

Clark’s beach sailing

We are on our way back to the club. Light winds but probally another 1.5 hours before we reach land. However here are some quick snaps of the weekenda from my phone. More to come when  we are on...